Room 2 have been learning to line dance! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed sharing our skills at assembly. Thanks Mr McDonald for finding us all the music! Thanks also to Mrs Marshall for the hats, bandannas and moustaches!
12 October 2009 After a busy term working on our Production I do hope all Room 2 children and families had a busy and enjoyable holiday. Thank you to all those who helped with the show, it was a fabulous experience for our students. This term we have Show Day, then we head into an Early Settler topic, with a trip to Whangarei Museum planned. We are delighted to have Mrs Humfrey back with us as a Student Teacher. Children should be reading every night, and we are still consolidating basic facts and times tables knowledge. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting time in Room 2 and I am sure the term will fly by quickly! Thank you for visiting our Blog, please remember to leave feedback for the children as they do enjoy reading it! Thank you Mrs Stevens